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You can browse Drugs A-Z for a specific prescription or over-the-counter drug or look up drugs based on your specific conditionThis information is for educational purposes onlyand not meant to provide medical advicetreatmentor diagnosisRemember to always consult your physician or health care provider before startingstoppingor altering a treatment or health care regimen.

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Zyloprim can substantially reduce serum and urinary uric acid levels in previously refractory patients even in the presence of renal damage serious enough to render uricosuric drugs virtually ineffectiveSalicylates may be given conjointly for their antirheumatic effect without compromising the action of ZyloprimThis is in contrast to the nullifying effect of salicylates on uricosuric drugs.

APseudogout is a form of arthritis that is brought on by deposits of calcium crystals in the jointsThis causes painswelling and inflammation of the jointand sometimes may be accompanied by feverIt is not always clear why people develop pseudogoutRisk factors may includeagejoint injuryand genetic disordersfamilial chondrocalcinosis and hemochromatosisSome of the Purchase finax treatments that may be used for pseudogout includeNon-steroidal anti-inflammatoriesNSAIDsoral steroidsinjectable steroidsand also colchicineColchicine may be used to prevent attacks of pseudogoutHowever it does not appear that colchicine is FDA-approved for this indicationAllopurinol is in a group of medications called xanthine oxidase inhibitorsAllopurinol is used to prevent the buildup of uric acid crystals that lead to painful gout and kidney stonesAllopurinol works by inhibiting the enzyme that converts hypoxanthine to xanthine and xanthine to uric acidThere was no mention of allopurinol being used in the treatment of pseudogout or preventing buildup of calcium crystalsFor more specific informationconsult with your doctor for guidance based on your health status and current medicationsparticularly before taking any actionKristen DorePharmD.

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