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Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which a person’s pancreas does not produce enough insulin to meet the needs of the bodyCauses of type 2 diabetes are a sedentary lifestyleeating excess sugar and carbohydrateslack of exercisebeing overweightand geneticsSymptoms of type 2 diabetes are often subtlebut may include fatigueurine odorunintentional.

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During pregnancythis medication should be used only when clearly neededPregnancy may cause or worsen diabetesDiscuss a plan with your doctor for managing your blood sugar while pregnantYour doctor may substitute insulin for this drug during pregnancyIf glyburide is usedit may be switched to insulin at least 2 weeks before the expected delivery date because of glyburide’s risk of causing low blood sugar in your newbornDiscuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.

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