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Causal Relationship UnknownOther reactions have been reported but occurred under circumstances where a causal relationship could not be establishedHoweverin these rarely reported eventsthat possibility cannot be excludedThereforethese observations are listed to serve as alerting information to physicians.

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MIDAMORamilorideis a potassium-conservingantikaliureticdrug that possesses weakcompared with thiazide diureticsnatriureticdiureticand antihypertensive activityThese effects have been partially additive to the effects of thiazide diuretics in some clinical studiesWhen administered with a thiazide or loop diureticMIDAMORamiloridehas been shown to decrease the enhanced urinary excretion of magnesium which occurs when a thiazide or loop diuretic is used aloneMIDAMORamiloridehas potassium-conserving activity in patients receiving kaliuretic-diuretic agents.

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